Tuesday, December 27, 2005

X'mas Gathering
Went to my class x'mas gathering, which is definetly the last gathering of the year for me. A new year is starting and new goals and ambitions will once again be filling my mind. Actually throughout the gathering, 50% of the time I was reflecting the 2 years spent together with my friends. Many of us are going our own separate ways, where some of us are even migrating to other places to seek other education. It's a pity that our fate ends here, and I wish them all the best. I just wish that I will not make the same mistakes I once made with my primary schoolmates, alienated them and lose most of the contacts with them.

The X'mas Gift
For the 25% of the time during the x'mas gathering, I was actually thinking of how to present the x'mas gift to my friend. Of course, the friend is a girl. Don't you think it is a waste buying a gift for person of the same sex? I don't think it serves any purpose unless of course that person means alot to you, but otherwise, if it is just a normal friend, it is pointless giving a present to the same sex. As I said, I spend alot of time thinking of how to present the gift, I myself don't know why I took such a long time. Maybe because this is my first time giving a gift to a person and furthermore a girl. Talking about the girl, if she is reading this, it has been a really wonderful 2 years being classmates with you and I hope we still stay in contact, I don't want to lose this precious friendship.

Aftermath of X'mas Gift
Finally, after much thinking, I managed to give her the gift! Yes, my main objective was completed. The ironic thing was that it was way pass x'mas day. I didn't know that I took at least half a day to present the gift to her. She seems surprised that the gift was meant for her, but the main thing is that she is happy. That's good enough, isn't it? That feeling was actually quite great, I didn't know that seeing people have that happy look on that face makes one feel so great, feel so powerful.

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