Friday, December 16, 2005

Alright, today is the results for the admission of the junior college for the first 3 mths. THE RESULTS ARE OUT, and if you are still unaware of it, go and check it out now. I have been posted to Serangoon Junior College, which is my 2nd choice, which is still not so bad. Now, I just have to wait for my actual O'level results to be out to determine the destined JC. Though it is just only an average Junior College, looking on the bright side, I have at least 9 of my classmates accompanying me to my next phase of my life. It is not so bad after all...

Went to Queenstown today, particulary with no motive of going there. Just going there with my few good pals to have a chat and catch up with some gossips. I don't really expect anything unusual to happen and really nothing unusual happens. Maybe, this is why this trip is crazy. My friends went all the way to Queenstown, in hoping to search for a really cheap shoes but it turn out to be a fraud. Everything there was so expensive, it is over their budget. And we ate Macdonald over there which is pretty disappointing as I can eat Macdonald anywhere. I cannot blame them, I was too hungry to think of any options. So, we indulge ourselves with a McSpicy meal and quickly blasts off to shop and we really want to get out of that shopping centre.

We call one of our friend to assist us in our direction to Plaza Singapura and he never fails to do that. We reached that safe and sound without a single loss of hair. Registering my sim card was the first task to be accomplished and we did. Since it was early, we went to have shopping at a nearby shopping centre. The shopping centre rocks, with the cooling air-conditioner, beautiful music flowing to our ears, the whole feeling really get me into the mood of shopping. This is what I called a shopping centre. Basically, we spend 3 hours there and we got the things that we desired and went home. And this is where I am now keeping you updates of the recent events happening.

Rumours spread faster than anything in this world, I bet everyone of you reading this blog agree with me. I always wonder why human beings are always so interested in rumours, even myself. Could it be that we are too bored with ourselves so we start some rumours on someone to spice up our life? Could it be that because we are imaginative that we create something that don't exist in reality? Could it because rumours are always meant to be rumours?

How to get your lazy self out from your chair and get some excerising? Well, the first thing I believe is having a good night sleep. Well, you could say that I am not sleeping early tonight, because I couldn't get to sleep, I need to reflect on something everyday. Having a good night sleep helps regenerate your body, and not only that, you won't wake up so late the next day. Waking up in the afternoon really destroy the your mood to excerise. Imagine waking up, instead of seeing the gentle warmness of the sunshine from the sun, you are greeted with the sorching hot sun. Of course, most of us won't feel like going out to have a excerise. You will need alot of discipline to do excerise in that hot sun. So, the first tip is wake up early, so seeing the morning sunshine gets you into the mood of excersing. Well, this works for me.

Monday, December 12, 2005

I am going back to my usual style of writing since I get more traffic by writing this way. It has been a dreadful past few days. I had just lost something very important. Something so important that it caused me to feel depressed and low the past few days. Well, the something I lost is my mp3 player, an ipod shuffler, with a really cool red skin just pasted on it not long ago. I don't really know how I lost it but it seems to me that the shuffler must have slipped from my pocket while on the train. No choice, I had to live without my mp3 player. Life still has to go on. My life will not be dampened just by the loss of my mp3 player. I still have a wonderful holiday ahead of me and I am going to enjoy it to the fullest. YES, I have finally conquered the loss of my mp3 player...

Internet is now a really colossal market, millions of people are logging into the internet to surf the net. Almost everytime we want to look for information, first thing that come into our mind is internet. Internet gives us the fastest and first hand information about everything in the world, especially world news. That's why I have been tapping into the knowledge of doing bussiness in the internet. An example is the google adsense I signed up, it helps me earn money by using the pay-per-click method, meaning every click on the ad on my blog, I can earn money. For more information, you can click the ad above.
Also, I have been reading up on some internet marketing stuff, mostly I can't apply now since I need some capital, also I haven't decided on what bussiness to do. However, it is always good to have a headstart of everyone as I believe that through internet marketing, I can earn money$ real fast.

My physical fitness has definetly improved tremenedously. I have been jogging for the past 4 weeks now. Body-building has also been rather successful, doing chin-ups, dumbells and push-ups. I am pretty confident that I can get at least a silver for my fitness test next year, just wait for my good news. You want to know my secret into not procastinating when training your fitness, just visit my blog regularly.

Signing off...